Small Wedding Planning Guide & Workbook


Small weddings are the way of the future! Gone are the days where you had to put on a big, flashy wedding for hundreds of people you’ve barely met. The Elopement Experts have put together a guide to help you navigate these uncharted territories of eloping. When you elope, you get to focus on what matters the most to you.

By having a mini wedding, you get to focus on the elements that excite you! You can go over the top with your flowers, your dress, you hair, your photographer, and more because you get to allocate your budget to the items most important to you. By limiting your guest count, you have the money to focus on yourself, after all this is YOUR day!

A Micro Wedding can be intimidating if you’ve never been to one or heard much about how to plan it! In our Comprehensive Guide, we give you the tips, tools, and tricks that we have perfected through hundreds of mini weddings and elopements.

Do you have questions about budgeting, vendors, or timelines? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! With over 50 pages of information and printable worksheets, you’ll have your elopement wedding planned in no time.