How to Announce Your Elopement: Making It Personal and Memorable


Eloping is a beautiful and intimate way to begin your married life. Whether you choose to keep it a secret or share the news, the way you announce your elopement can make all the difference in how your friends and family feel included in your joy. Here are some thoughtful and creative ways to share your big news, along with tips to ensure your announcement is personal and memorable.

Keeping It Secret: Personal Announcements

If you decide to keep your elopement a secret, there are still meaningful ways to share your happiness with those closest to you:

1. Personal, Printed Announcement Cards

Nothing beats the charm of receiving a beautifully crafted announcement card. An announcement card is something sent AFTER the elopement. It’s a tangible keepsake that friends and family can cherish. Choose a design that reflects your style and the spirit of your elopement. Include a heartfelt message about your special day and, if possible, a photo that captures the essence of your moment together.

2. Include a Photo

A picture is worth a thousand words. Including a photo from your elopement can bring your loved ones into the moment. Whether it’s a candid shot of your vows or a stunning landscape from your elopement location, a photo adds a personal touch that social media posts often lack.

3. Handwritten Notes

Consider adding a handwritten note to each announcement card. It can be a simple, heartfelt message expressing your excitement and gratitude. This extra effort shows your friends and family that you value them and wanted to share this special moment personally.

Announcing Your Elopement: Select Guests and Celebrations

Eloping doesn’t mean you have to forgo sharing your joy with others. If you decide to announce your elopement more broadly, here’s how to do it gracefully:

1. Host a “Happily Ever After” Party

A post-elopement celebration allows you to invite a broader group of friends and family to celebrate with you. It’s a wonderful way to include those who couldn’t be at the elopement itself. Send out invitations to your party, making it clear that this is a celebration of your recent marriage.

2. Send Invitations, Not Save the Dates

If you are inviting select guests to your elopement, skip the outdated Save the Dates. Instead, opt for elegant invitations that convey the excitement of your new life together. These invitations should reflect the tone of your elopement and the celebration you’re planning. Make them personal and unique to your love story.

3. Share the Story

Whether through a speech at your Happily Ever After party or a letter included with your invitations, share the story of your elopement. Let your friends and family in on the details that made the day special. This helps them feel connected to your experience, even if they weren’t there in person.

Shop Our Stationery

To make your elopement announcement truly special, explore our beautiful, curated range of stationery. Our collection includes thoughtfully designed announcement cards, invitations, and personalized stationery that can be tailored to match your unique style and story. Visit our shop today and let us help you create the perfect keepsake for your cherished memories.

Announcing your elopement is a chance to share your joy in a way that feels right for you. Whether you keep it a secret or shout it from the rooftops, make sure your announcement is as special as your love story.